Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Bits and Pieces...
Friday, May 23, 2008
Twin tornadoes touch down Thursday near March Air Force Base in Riverside. The funnels caused power outages, derailed a train, and flipped a big rig truck forcing the 215 Freeway to close, but no injuries were reported.
The most severe damage was reported in Riverside County, where dark, towering funnel clouds spun across the communities east and west of the 215 Freeway corridor. In Orange County, walls of water, mud and debris -- some 8 feet high -- battered eastern canyons that had burned in last year's wildfires, leaving behind a muddy mess but little major damage and no injuries.
The highly unstable and unpredictable conditions were expected to last through today, along with unseasonably cool temperatures, according to the National Weather Service.
Shortly before 5 p.m. Thursday in Riverside County, one of two funnel clouds tossed a line of 30-ton rail cars off their tracks and overturned a tractor-trailer truck, blocking the northbound lanes of the 215 Freeway. Rush-hour traffic backed up for at least eight miles, according to the California Highway Patrol.
The truck driver was pulled from the wreckage and taken to a hospital with minor to moderate injuries.
"It's quite large," CHP officer Jaci Parent said of the tornado as it churned west of the interstate Thursday evening.
The tornado then headed toward Perris, where it caused power outages and minor damage before dissipating.
"I drove through it and have never seen weather like this," said Sgt. Dennis Gutierrez, spokesman for the Riverside County Sheriff's Department.
A blanket of hail turned neighborhoods white in Baldwin Park and Irwindale, drawing crowds of children into the streets to play with the ice. Snow dusted higher elevations and lightning strikes were reported in Mira Loma and other inland areas as the storm drifted south and west.
As storm cells jumped from place to place through the day, radio and television broadcasts were interrupted with emergency warnings for communities threatened by flooding and tornadoes.
Slush, flooding and rock slides closed sections of Interstate 10 in central Los Angeles County and the 60 Freeway east of Riverside.
There were reports of a tornado touching down near Interstate 15 in Corona on Thursday night. Parent said investigating officers found a severe storm and flooded freeway lanes, but no funnel cloud.
In Orange County, eastern canyons saw roughly 1 1/2 inches of rain in a half-hour period, authorities said.
Officials closed the roads to mud-swept Modjeska, Silverado and Williams canyons and worked to rescue residents stranded in two homes near the back of Williams Canyon. They were not hurt and were waiting for roads to clear so they could evacuate, said Mike Blawn, a spokesman for the Orange County Fire Authority.
Authorities dispatched bulldozers and other heavy equipment to clear the roadways and stand by in the event of more heavy rains.
Two canyon residents barely escaped the avalanche of boulders, mud and tree trunks that went roaring at them in Modjeska Canyon.
"It was out of control," said Tim Adams, 56, a resident of nearby Silverado Canyon who went to help his brother-in-law, Bill LaBar. "It was like big chunks of chocolate ice cream melting, with trees and rocks flowing through it."
Adams and LaBar got into four-wheel drive vehicles and sped away, going around and over boulders and downed trees.
"I have always said when it got bad, I would get out," said LaBar, who usually ignored mandatory evacuation orders. "It's the baddest I've ever seen it."
At Cook's Corner, a roadside biker bar in Trabuco Canyon, about a dozen people were eating burgers and omelets when water and mud poured into the restaurant about 12:15 p.m.
Monday, May 19, 2008
New Logo Design...
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Acid Rain!
Well... from what inspired me to start this piece is, I always wondered what started acid rain. I researched it and it was pretty boring. So! I twisted it up and added a squid holding a barrel of acid in his/her tentacles. Like the squid would be a squid god of acid rain. So yah.
Whats going on...
And my girl friend started school. It's going to be a different transition because we usually hung out like everyday or every other day. But I'm trying to adjust to it. I think I'll have more more time to myself then usual. And miss her more.
Break dancing been good! I'm trying to think of different moves and smooth transitions to my blow ups/ poses. You know? "trying to be innovative or different." Like every other b-boy claims tries be. Also I been taking this protein shake to get more lean and get lighter, I'm getting more lean but getting lighter in terms of weight isn't cutting it. I think I gained 5lb., could be just muscle. Well as long I don't get buff. Don't want that look at all. And one of my g/f's from high school is interested in break dancing and one other that stopped is going to start again, So! More people to session with! More love! haha
Work is the same. Nothing different, still a whatever job and it still drags on every time I'm scheduled to work.
So... thats going on with my life recently.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Straight B-boyin'
I need to get better.
I want to able to smoke whoever I want.
I need to train harder and better.
But be humble at the same time.
I want to be one of the best.
Creative is very important to me.
I love bboyin' to the fullest.
Thats what I keep on processing over and over in my mind. It is a consistent circle, all the time. Pain is the game, if you think about it. And once you over come that pain your going to come running back for some more. If you know what I mean.
I watch b- boy's from different regions of the world become one of the greatest athletes, dancers, self expressionist of all time. I don't think you'll ever understand until you become a one. It's hard to explain, abusing your body sounds bad and not pleasing to the ear. Elbow drops, flipping, spinning on your hand etc. is the part of this culture/ sport. But really, its worth it. I been going through this amazing pain for four years now and still lovin' every second of it. And I'm not going to stop. I love it to the fullest.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Name of the Exhibition: "She's my Heroin(e)
Location: CoproNason Gallery
Date: May 10th, Saturday
Time: 8:30 - 11:00pm
And also some Chet Zar and Mari Inukai.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Fountain of Youth
According to an interview the Associated Press conducted with her granddaughter-in-law, a typical day for Amash includes taking walks, socializing with family and friends, and drinking, yes drinking, a glass of olive oil a day.
Several studies have linked diets that include monounsaturated fats like extra-virgin olive oil to reduced risk of heart disease. And more recently, a study conducted at the University of Granada found that olive oil has been shown to contain polyphenols, a type of antioxidant which may help prevent cell aging and osteoporosis. Polyphenols may also help to reduce risk of developing aging-related diseases, according to the authors of the study Professors Alberto Fernández and Antonio Segura, such as heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's and diabetes.
Before you go out and stock up on a case of olive oil, take caution. "We want to encourage people to use healthy fats, like olive oil instead of unhealthy fats, but it's important to watch how much you're adding because of the caloric content," says Colleen Doyle, MS, RD Director, Nutrition and Physical Activity at the American Cancer Society. Doyle explains that olive oil contains monounsaturated fats which is linked to reduced risk of heart disease because it lowers LDL "bad" cholesterol, while maintaining HDL "good" cholesterol.
So how much is a good amount to add? "Everybody's caloric need is different," says Doyle, but cautions that a glass of oil a day is an unrealistic and unhealthy amount. It would increase daily caloric and fat intake above recommendations, which can lead to serious weight gain or obesity, putting you at risk for cancer, high blood pressure, and heart diseases -- or, what you were trying to avoid in the first place.
Pick the purest olive oil. In order to maximize the health benefits of your olive oil intake, make sure you buy extra-virgin olive oil, with an acidity level of 0.8 percent at the highest, says Andy Bellatti, Masters candidate at NYU's Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health. The FDA does not regulate any labeling of imports, but it does regulate home grown olive oil. Check for the International Olive Oil Council seal on imports to ensure olive oil purity, says Bellatti. Though the olive oil will remain a monounsaturated fat no matter what acidity, or what exposure it has, higher acid levels mean fewer, or no antioxidant properties. Over time, exposure to heat, air and light can also diminish the antioxidant properties, says Bellatti.
Bellatti recommends buying canned olive oil that won't be exposed to UV light in the grocery store or in your home. Keep the container sealed tightly. Buy as fresh as possible in small quantities, so the olive oil isn't aged and depleted of antioxidants by the time you use it up. Also, if you want to have the most amount of antioxidants, use at room temperature or cook at low temperatures.
Do not go over board. If Miriam Amash really drinks an eight-ounce glass of olive oil a day, she'd be consuming 1900 calories and 200 grams of fat, without counting whatever food she eats, says Bellatti. Or, about her daily recommended calories, and 135 more than her daily recommended fat intake. "Use olive oil as a fat substitute," says Bellatti, not an additional source of fat.
By: Mary Kearl